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Survival Rate of Babies Born at 24 Weeks

Micro Preemie Survival Rates and Health Concerns

Premature baby.

Science Photo Library / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images

A micro preemie is a babe who is born weighing less than 750 grams, or before 26 weeks gestation. Since micro preemies are born months earlier their due dates, they face long stays in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Although many extremely premature babies abound upward with no long-term effects of premature nativity, some confront severe health problems throughout life.

Premature Babe vs. Micro Preemie

Any infant who is born before 37 weeks gestation is considered to be premature (also known as preterm). The World Health System (WHO) defines prematurity based on when a baby is born. Babies born before 28 weeks are considered "extremely preterm." Those born between 28 and 32 weeks are considered "very preterm." Babies are considered "moderate" to "late preterm" if they are born between 32 and 37 weeks.

Micro preemies are the most premature babies of all, born on or before 26 weeks. Many people are surprised past how small micro preemies are. Their skin is sparse, with visible veins, and it may await sticky or gelatinous. If you are visiting a micro preemie in the NICU, you tin await to see the post-obit:

  • Respiratory support: Micro preemies usually accept endotracheal tubes (ET tubes) coming from their mouths. The tube is attached to a ventilator that helps the baby breathe. Some micro preemies tin can breathe on their ain and will exist on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) instead. These babies volition take CPAP masks strapped over their noses.
  • Intravenous lines (IVs): If a micro preemie's digestive system is likewise young to absorb nutrition, they volition be fed intravenously. Most volition have lines in their umbilical string stumps (chosen umbilical lines) for the beginning week or ii of life, and a PICC line or peripheral IV later.
  • Monitoring equipment: All NICU patients are closely monitored. Micro preemies may have wired stickers on their chests, anxiety, wrists, arms, and legs. These are used to check blood force per unit area, breathing rates, and oxygen levels in the claret.
  • NG/OG tube: Because micro preemies are too immature to eat from a bottle or from the breast, a tube will go from their mouths (OG tube) or noses (NG tube) into the stomach.

Micro Preemie Health Concerns

When a babe is born very prematurely, they are at run a risk for a number of health weather condition. Some are short-term, while others may affect them for the residual of their lives.

Short-Term Health Concerns

Immediately afterwards nascency and during a micro preemie'south NICU stay, doctors and nurses watch closely for several serious medical weather condition, such as these.

  • Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH): IVH is haemorrhage into parts of the encephalon. Micro preemies have frail blood vessels in their brains, and these vessels tin rupture easily. Nearly a quarter of micro preemies accept serious IVH. Nearly cases of IVH resolve on their own, simply some babies may need surgery to assist drain the extra fluid.
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC): Since micro preemies have immature digestive systems, their intestines are susceptible to infection. In NEC, the linings of the bowels become infected and begin to die. In micro preemies, the condition tin can be extremely serious. NEC is treated with IV fluids and medication. Surgery may exist required.
  • Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA): A PDA is a persistent connection between the large blood vessels near the center. The connection is normal for a fetus but should close when a baby is born and begins to breathe. PDAs are treated with medication or surgery.
  • Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS): Near micro preemies accept difficulty breathing after birth. This syndrome is treated with respiratory support and medication.
  • Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): The blood vessels in a micro preemie'due south eyes are non fully formed at nascency. When the vessels develop, they may grow so apace that they impairment the retina. While some cases resolve on their own, surgery may be required in severe cases.
  • Sepsis: Premature babies are prone to infection for several reasons. Micro preemies have immature allowed systems and face many invasive procedures in the NICU, each of which can permit leaner to enter the body.

Long-Term Wellness Concerns

Many micro preemies bear witness no long-term effects of prematurity. However, other micro preemies may accept lifelong health problems.

  • Cerebral palsy: A portion of micro preemies have moderate to astringent cerebral palsy.
  • Chronic lung illness: Many micro preemies demand oxygen at NICU discharge. Micro preemies may likewise have asthma or other respiratory problems, including bronchopulmonary dysplasia, or BPD.
  • Cognitive problems: Developmental delays, trouble in school, and other cognitive bug are common furnishings of prematurity.
  • Digestive problems: Micro preemies are decumbent to digestive issues such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), food refusal, or poor feeding.
  • Vision or hearing loss: A small percent of micro preemies accept permanent vision or hearing problems due to complications of prematurity.

Survival Charge per unit for Micro Preemies

Micro preemies are very fragile, and every day that they tin can spend inside the womb increases their chance of survival.

Nascency Week Boilerplate Survival Rate
22 weeks Virtually 10% of babies survive
23 weeks 50% to 66% of babies survive
24 weeks 66% to 80% of babies survive
25 weeks 75% to 85% of babies survive
26 weeks More than than 90% of babies survive

Improve Your Babe's Chances

Although micro premies may face serious health issues, in that location are many things that you can exercise as a parent to requite your baby the best possible beginning.

  • Get early on prenatal intendance: When you lot become significant, talk to your doctor early nigh how to minimize your risk of premature birth. Early prenatal care can help y'all avoid early on delivery.
  • Have your baby in a infirmary with a NICU: If y'all know that your baby will be premature, delivering in a infirmary with a level 3 NICU with 24-hour neonatology coverage can give your babe the best possible commencement.
  • Learn the signs of preterm labor: While you're pregnant, make sure that you understand the signs of preterm labor, and seek medical care immediately if you develop whatever of them.
  • Seek early intervention: Babies born early may qualify for land-run early on intervention programs. Starting these programs as soon as possible can help minimize any cognitive effects of prematurity.

Cheers for your feedback!

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  1. Academy of Washington. Extremely Low Nascency Weight NICU Graduate Supplement to the Critical Elements of Intendance for the Low Birth Weight Neonatal Intensive Care Graduate (CEC-LBW).

  2. World Health Organization. Preterm nativity.

  3. Nemours KidsHealth. When your baby's in the NICU (for parents).

  4. Stanford Children'southward Health. Intraventricular hemorrhage in babies.

  5. Nemours KidsHealth. Necrotizing enterocolitis (for parents).

  6. Cleveland Clinic. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA): What is it, symptoms & treatments.

  7. National Center Plant. Retinopathy of prematurity.

  8. Sepsis Alliance. Children.

  9. Vincer MJ, Allen AC, Allen VM, Baskett TF, O'Connell CM. Trends in the prevalence of cerebral palsy amidst very preterm infants (<31 weeks' gestational age).Paediatr Child Health. 2014;19(4):185-189. doi:10.1093/pch/19.4.185

  10. Allotey J, Zamora J, Cheong-See F, et al. Cognitive, motor, behavioural and academic performances of children born preterm: a meta-assay and systematic review involving 64 061 children.BJOG. 2018;125(1):16-25. doi:x.1111/1471-0528.14832


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